6 Day until launch of MyWebWorkplace: Absence Management

by Lee Porter 1. December 2009 09:50

There's just 6 more days until we officially launch our online Business Automation software - MyWebWorkplace.net.  We are kicking things off with an incredibly powerful and adaptable absence and leave management system designed for small to medium sized businesses.

Great things are being built here and there's more to come - all designed to help your business be more productive, reduce admin, improve efficiency and promote better teamwork.

Create your MyWebWorkplace account before the 7th December and get your first year absolutely free for your whole company.  Remember to create the account and add as many licences as you need before the deadline.

Who am I and what do I do?

by Lee Porter 2. June 2009 16:18
Lee Porter

I'm Lee Porter.  I'm involved in raising the awareness of Programme Office Toolkit (POTv3) to the wider world, particularly to larger corporations and dedicated PMOs.  POT has been in development since 1993 in one form or another but has reach a threshold that deserves a larger audience.  It's power and versatility as an Online Project Management solution makes it a sensible alternative to the current plethora of solutions.

My role at IPS is to improve your understanding of IPS and its software. I'll be maintaining this blog (with the help of Nick Lovelock) and various other social and business networks.  I'll also be looking at ways we can create and maintain a publicly available demo site for POT that clearly shows its best of breed status.  Other than that, there will be plenty of good training videos and guides coming your way and rather a lot more besides. 

If that wasn't enough we are at the crest of a new product launch which is set to be very interesting indeed.  Our newest online solution is intended for small to medium sized companies looking for a software solution to help manage all aspects of their business from Project management to expenses, from absence management to intranets, from document management to Employee reviews. The first release is coming soon and you'll read about it here first.  Subsequent releases will include additional modules and the modules will be inter-dependent (useful, for example, when submitting expenses - they can be filed in the document management system automatically.)

If you would like to discuss any of the above, you can always call me on +44 (0)844 736 1820.

Delay in blogging

by Nick 22. May 2009 10:44

Dear All,

I could just be writing this to myself, so what the heck, I will give it a go.  Why the delay, well I have been heads down into some other work and really not had the time.  But I have paused for a few moments to start, so I will.

Why do we build these systems?  Well the main reason is that during my wanderings across the UK and abroad as a consultant, I have found that lots of 'big' projects get all the attention whilst there are 100's, if not 1000's of smaller 'projects' (bits of work that need to be done) that seem to go languishing in the mire of massive systems (if they have any at all) that are just overkill to manage and report on a small amount of work.

Sometime the licences for the big systems are just not available to smaller projects, the people doing the work are not 'planners' (that is a whole story in its self that I will work on one day), BUT the management need to know from a readily available centralised systems - what is being done (even just a title sometime suffices), who is doing it (aka who has their butt on the line), when is it going to be finished (they can do something else then), any problems (what is holding it up) and what progress is being made (not always a linear approach like MSP). In order to provide this information, I have repeatedly created almost the same system for many other companies, but now we have created something that we will soon be selling as a web based application that will mean we can use our knowlege gained at big corporate companies, to help smaller companies leverage that information without the big bills.

Anyway, this is a start; I will try to carry it on in a while, but happily am on holiday next week with probably no mobile phone cover and definitely no internet access.

Regards Nick

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