Dear All,
I could just be writing this to myself, so what the heck, I will give it a go. Why the delay, well I have been heads down into some other work and really not had the time. But I have paused for a few moments to start, so I will.
Why do we build these systems? Well the main reason is that during my wanderings across the UK and abroad as a consultant, I have found that lots of 'big' projects get all the attention whilst there are 100's, if not 1000's of smaller 'projects' (bits of work that need to be done) that seem to go languishing in the mire of massive systems (if they have any at all) that are just overkill to manage and report on a small amount of work.
Sometime the licences for the big systems are just not available to smaller projects, the people doing the work are not 'planners' (that is a whole story in its self that I will work on one day), BUT the management need to know from a readily available centralised systems - what is being done (even just a title sometime suffices), who is doing it (aka who has their butt on the line), when is it going to be finished (they can do something else then), any problems (what is holding it up) and what progress is being made (not always a linear approach like MSP). In order to provide this information, I have repeatedly created almost the same system for many other companies, but now we have created something that we will soon be selling as a web based application that will mean we can use our knowlege gained at big corporate companies, to help smaller companies leverage that information without the big bills.
Anyway, this is a start; I will try to carry it on in a while, but happily am on holiday next week with probably no mobile phone cover and definitely no internet access.
Regards Nick